¡Fuera vergüenza! Mamitas muestran cómo lucen sus cuerpos durante y después del embarazo

Recibir un hijo, sin duda, es uno de los mayores y mejores regalos que reciben las mujeres, quienes sienten conexión con el retoño desde el minuto uno

Recibir un hijo, sin duda, es uno de los mayores y mejores regalos que reciben las mujeres, quienes sienten conexión con el retoño desde el minuto uno. Y aunque llevar un niño en el vientre puede generar una serie de cambios físicos, las mamitas no se importan con eso, porque es la cicatriz que demuestra lo maravilloso que es ser mamá.

Desde esta experiencia nació el proyecto «Recuperarse Postparto» que ha comenzado a viralizarse en Instagram y que las invita a todas ellas a mostrar sus cuerpos sin vergüenza, de la manera más tierna, sencilla y honesta.

La idea se llevó a cabo, luego de que January Harshe, creadora de la iniciativa usara el hashtag #Postparto y se diera cuenta que las mujeres sólo publicaban cremas anti cicatrices, consejos para bajar de peso y más. Fue ahí, que decidió dar un mensaje completamente diferente.

Por eso, desde que lo dio a conocer han aparecido guatitas con estrías y flácidas, aumento y bajas de peso, enfermedades y otras características de todas esas empoderadas chiquillas que se han mostrado sin pudor. “Hubo una gran respuesta. Las mujeres dijeron: ‘Vamos a mostrar cómo es esto’… Lo que he aprendido es que todas luchan de una forma u otra. Cada una lo hace de manera diferente”, dijo la autora.



“When I was pregnant with Paisley, there was always one thing that I would obsess about that scared me more than giving birth for the first time, #postpartum #depression. I would lay awake at night in fear of what emotions I would have after having her. Would I love her? Would I hate her? Would I feel resentment for what my body just went through? These are all very real thoughts that I had and I couldn’t get them out of my head. After dealing with depression and #anxiety my entire life, I was certain that going through it postpartum was inevitable. Then I had her and I felt….fine. In fact, I felt better than I had in my entire life. I felt happy and strong and powerful like I had just done something no other human ever could. Maybe it was just the #oxytocin talking but it was a feeling like I was floating on a cloud. Then days and weeks and months went by and the exhaustion finally set in. Around 6 months postpartum I started feeling defeated. Like if I didn’t get some kind of break soon then I would end up breaking myself. I remember sitting in my truck, tears streaming down my face because Paisley did a number of things that day that made me question whether or not I was a good mom. I felt this way for a couple weeks and then I finally was able to pull myself out of it. I’m not a doctor so I’m not sure if it was #PPD or not, but what I do know is that whatever you’re going through be it exhaustion, PPD, #PPA or even just feeling tired—you are GOING to get through this. Ask someone for help. Tell them you need their support. Take some time to practice self love and self care. You can’t pour from an empty glass. I know it’s hard, but you aren’t alone and you should never feel like you aren’t worthy enough to get the help you need. You are beyond worthy. You are the warrior goddess Mama that birthed that beautiful baby and you deserve every ounce of support and love that you can get. Don’t give up.” 🦋 @chloeandpaisley #motherhood #motherhoodrising #motherhoodsimplified #momlife #motherhoodlife #motherhoodthroughinstagram #honestlymothering #selflove #selfcare #takebackpostpartum

Una publicación compartida por @ takebackpostpartum el

«When you’re a bigger woman, somehow it makes certain people think you don’t deserve to say you have a “real” postpartum body. . THIS. IS. FALSE. . You grew a human. You birthed a human, whether they came out of your lady bits or through surgery. You have a postpartum body. Period. End of story. It doesn’t matter what that body looks like. There is no definition of what a postpartum body is supposed to look like, contrary to what some people will try and force you to believe. You will see women who have no marks, or have 50. You will see women whose stomachs went right back to being smooth and flat, or hang down with loose skin. You will see women who have lots of fat on their bellies, or who have none. You will see women who were in great shape and toned when they got pregnant and women who were considered “plus size” when they got pregnant. Some women stayed in shape through pregnancy while others gained weight. But what do all of these women have in common after birthing these adorable humans? . They. Have. A. Postpartum. Body. . They have a story. Their story matters and it counts. They can post the photo if they want to. And not every photo will look the same. I am SO DONE with hearing that certain women aren’t allowed to consider their body a “real” postpartum body and post their love for it. . So here it is. Another lovely photo of my postpartum body.» @meg.boggs #takebackpostpartum

Una publicación compartida por @ takebackpostpartum el

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